Publications and Presentations
Peer-Reviewed Articles
"The Commercial Function of Historical Book Reviews: An Interrogation of the Angus & Robertson Archives," Australian Literary Studies 36, no. 1 (2021). [here]
- "Angus & Robertson and Australian Children's Publishing: From Expensive Hobby to Profitable Business, 1897-1933," Publishing Studies (forthcoming)
Other Publications
"Decoding the Digital Humanities", Future Research Masters, 28 May 2019 [here]
"Publishing for Children: Angus & Robertson and the Development of Australian Children’s Publishing, 1897-1933." Master’s thesis, Western Sydney University, 2018 [here]
"Ranking the Humanities: Methodologies of Global HEI Rankings and Potential Sources of New Metrics." Report prepared for Writing and Society Research Centre, Western Sydney University, 2018.
Peer-Reviewed Conference Papers
"Digital Outputs of Humanities Research," Conference and Annual Meeting of the Australasian Consortium of Humanities Research Centres, 2 December 2020, Sydney Australia [here]
"Censorship by the Church: The Case of the Magic Pudding (1918)," International Research Society for Children's Literature, 14-18 August 2019, Stockholm Sweden [here]
Other Presentations
"Historical Book Reviews: Situated Between Publishers and the Press," Interventions and Intersections: SHCA Higher Degree Research Conference, 12 November 2020, Western Sydney University
"Mapping the Angus & Robertson Book Reviews," Digital Humanities Research Group Seminar, 1 April 2020, Western Sydney University
"Reviewing The Magic Pudding," History in-House Seminar, 11 June 2019, Western Sydney University
Workshops (as facilitator)
Ian Johnson, Simon Burrows and Rebekah Ward, "Is it a Database, is it a Website, is it an Application? Make Your Project Fly with Heurist (Version 6)," Digital Humanities Downunder, 7-11 December 2020, Western Sydney University [here]